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The feminism movement isn't only targeted for women, it is something that is for everybody as it addresses inequalities that affect all genders.
The feminism movement isn’t only targeted for women, it is something that is for everybody as it addresses inequalities that affect all genders.
Dominique Macias

Power in the feminine

In a world full of never-ending changes, sometimes there are always moments in time where advocating for positive changes has to be made. Living in a society where strength is often measured by physical power and dominance, the true essence of feminism is heavily misunderstood.

Feminism is far from a sign of weakness, embodying the strength of unity, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of equality. It is the force that empowers women to rise above societal constraints and claim their rightful place in every aspect of life.

There is a larger approach that feminism strives for; intersecting with other social justice movements creates more ways to build community. UTEP Women’s and Gender Studies professor Hilda Ontiveros shares how feminism addresses to other systemic issues beyond individual empowerment for women.

“Feminism is inherently intersectional, recognizing that systems of oppression- such as racism, classism, ableism and homophobia, interact and compound experiences of inequality,” Ontiveros said. “By aligning with movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQ+ advocacy and workers’ rights campaigns, feminism works toward equity for all marginalized groups. For example: reproductive justice movements emphasize both gender equality and racial justice, addressing disparities in access to healthcare for women of color.”

“Transgender women and body, the principles of euphemism by actively challenging society, gender, norms, and fighting for the right to be recognized and treated as women,” Stefani Elegonza. (Dominique Macias)

A reoccurring misconception against the movement is the idea that the movement is subjective. Ontiveros says that

 the movement isn’t only targeted for women, it is something that is for everybody as it addresses inequalities that affect all genders.

“A common misconception is that feminism is rooted in individual grievances or emotional perspectives rather than systemic issues. This can he countered by pointing to feminist scholarship and activism grounded in data and policy analysis.” Ontiveros said, “Highlighting historical achievements like share women’s suffrage or legal advancements (e.g. Title [X) underscores feminism’s substantive impact on societal change.” 

In recent times, the nation has faced an extreme pullback on progressive movements. Yet, feminists continue to keep fighting for policy changes and acknowledge that their push for acceptance and equality won’t be diminished. Feminism in its entirety challenges institutional power and continues to advocate for policy changes.

El Pasoan Finch Smith has fought for the movement in many ways in the borderland. From attending rallies and hosting events that raise fundraising and needed essentials, Smith has continued the hard fight for women to be heard.

“With the overturn of Roe V. Wade, we’ve seen more and more protests and legal action taken by women and AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) people who had health complications and miscarriages due to the overturning,” Smith said. “And in Texas, there’s a group of women who are suing the state for refusing them proper healthcare and abortion access during life threatening situations.”

While the movement challenges traditional ideas of what feminism is, common misconceptions such as catering to female audiences is false.

“I think a lot of people have misconceptions that feminism is like the ‘woke movement, which is insane to me because it purely is just wanting equality and equity, which is supposed to be a right in our constitution that everyone is created equal and deserves to be treated equally.” Smith said.

Feminism is far from a sign of weakness, embodying the strength of unity, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of equality. (Dominique Macias)

Feminism isn’t about tearing down traditional femininity. Rather, it works to allow those who wish to stray away from tradition to explore new ideas and fresh perspectives that don’t limit women. In a time of choice and freedom, women are allowed to indulge in the liberty of pursuing alternative lifestyles.

Empowering women is essential to the health and social development of communities. The fact that women are capable of reaching their full potential and that their gender identity signifies as strength in this society.

Shaking the movement is the alarming levels of transphobia. The discrimination, hate speech and violent, even fatal attacks on transgender women and men. Amplifying the voices and stories of transgender people puts a human face to these issues and reveals the everlasting impact of scrutiny and pushes the urgent need for protection and equality.

Aspiring and growing local model, Stefant Elegonza shares how transgender women are part of the important fight of equality for the movement.

“Transgender women and body, the principles of euphemism by actively challenging society, gender, norms, and fighting for the right to be recognized and treated as women,” Stefani Elegonza. 

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